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Create Love: Ashtar

Ashtar addressing the August 25, 2009 teleconference:


"..You all are experiencing openings, sometimes more comfortable than others. We want to encourage you to spend time with yourselves.  It is a kind of an energy exchange, because when you commune, remember you connect, you communicate and you commune with the all that you are, you are putting your physicality, your mental self and your emotional self into a space of calling forth the All That You Are, the Divine Being that you are, you are connecting with your whole being.  And for those of you that have not heard this before, we shall explain what we mean.   We are discussing more than that that you see in the mirror, more than you feel and that which you think.   We are discussing the whole totality of you, awesome Being you are.  And that is your past, your present, your future, your dimensional self, all rolled into one great ball if you will, of energy fields and all of your bodies and including your spiritual self. 


"Now there are many ah-ha's happening with Family, and you do not have to be in a deep meditation or off by yourself in a quiet peaceful place or out with nature, or hugging your kitty-cats, or your baby or whomever, in order to have an ah-ha.  They can happen at most interesting times.  You could be driving along the freeway, zooming along in your little red car and all of a sudden here comes an ah-ha.  Well, it may not be the most opportune time, but try to get the wisdom from it anyway, and record it when you have the opportunity to do so.   If you keep writing materials handy or a little recorder handy you can almost do it right then and there by simply moving over, or parking your vehicle or moving off an exit ramp and then getting back on.  Why?   Because you need that kind of validation.   You need to understand that you are indeed leaving that what you call 3D, you are beginning to live beyond 3D and it is most important for you to expand with it, to grow with it, to allow yourself to be in a higher space, a higher dimensionality, so that you can bring yourself  to this space whenever.   If you close to the experience, if you shut it down and say, 'Not now, I am too busy', and all of you have done that at times and we understand there are times when you really are where you cannot stop the activity in order to get the wisdom.  So commit it to memory if that is the only way you have to document it in the moment.


"You see, while you’re getting wisdom, while you’re making the connection, you are hearing the voices of you and your entire team of Guides and indeed the Masters and the Ashtar Command and all the beings beyond that, you put yourself into a different space literally and you feel that connection, that communion, maybe not for the entire time that you are listening, but when you get that high vibe sensation, that’s what you want to keep most of all, that’s what you want to return to, that’s what you want to bring into this marvelous being you are.  That’s living beyond 3D Beloved Ones, its 5D and up, up and away.   So the more you document and write down the experiences, the more you can take yourself back to that magic moment, the moment of bliss.  It’s a moment of high energy, it’s a moment of moving beyond whatever limitations your physicality, even though its in transition, might still be presenting you with.  It’s to move yourself up and out of that restrictive thought.  That’s your Mission.


"Now we talk about beaming and of course that’s part of it but understand wherever you are on the freeway, in a peaceful garden, in the waters, in your tubs, or wherever you are, when you go to that space you are sharing that space a long way out there or that you bring yourself back to that space the more you are helping the world around you.  Now we tell you that you are Ashtar Commanders who have volunteered to come to Planet Earth in human body, and many of you are quite familiar with your past, that which you call your past on Planet Earth, but you are all from someplace else, somewhere out there in the stars.  You can call yourself Starseeds and you can call yourself Gods and Goddesses because that’s the truth of the whole thing anyway.   You were created with curiosity because the Creator-Mother-Father had curiosity, only Mother-Father only does Love - that’s it!   And you were created out of that Love.  You are the perfect child of Mother-Father. Only guess what?  When you put on a human body you have the ability to do some awful kinds of things to experience the opposite of Love to create Fear. 


"So, a part of your big journey, transition if you will, is to un-create Fear, that is, to make it a no-thing – to bring it to Zero and recreate Love.   Transmute, transform and create Love.  It has been said that one of our great teachers here on Planet Earth if I can say so, because I consider myself to be an honorary citizen of Planet Earth at this time, was created in the image of Creator.  What does that mean?  It means that he was created in the image of Love. He came here to express Love and it wasn’t easy, and it has not been an easy road for any of the great Teachers, you call them Masters, Ascended Masters or Great White Brotherhood or Sisterhood members now.  Do you think they had easy lives?


"No, and quite often their lives ended violently because the world was not ready for what they had to offer.  My, how times changed!  Time as you measure it has come to the point where now all is ready.  The preparations are down to final Q-tipping and polishing.  The great Freedom that you so long for, the glimpse of higher dimensionality, is what you call just around the corner, but you have a few steps to walk before you actually round that corner.  So get on with it, go within, you can go to specialists, practitioners, all kinds of messengers and you can say, 'What’s my mission? Help me to heal, and help me to create the life that I choose to have', and this is all well and good.  When you go within with your particular Guidance Team**, remember who’s in charge of your Guidance Team, and that’s you, Beloved Ones, and if you get a message back to go and chat with someone or perhaps pay them some dollars, this is all absolutely perfect for you to do.


"Check it out with yourself, that is all we suggest; check it out with yourself before you commit to spending time with anyone outside of your own fabulous Guidance Team.**  And the reason we say that is, Clarity is absolutely important for your Mission, and its your Clarity that’s important to you, and it’s your Mission that’s important to you.."




** For some self-help exercises given by Ashtar: 



© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.